Thursday, September 30, 2010

New New New!

Ello ello everyone! I'm sorry I'm rather late today - but I signed up last minute for Mr Gattz's class and I've been busy with that for awhile! It's a super fun class...I've never really built before but it was really fun and allot of my good friends are in it to! Anyway I'm super excited because Chelsea came out with loads of new stuff and it's all so cute! I honestly didn't know what ones to buy first...but the ROMA one really caught my eye - it's way cute and unique compared to the usual dresses of kids! Chelsea isn'y the only one that had new stuff's Thursday so TRUTH had it's new hair also...and oh my goodness are they cute - I especially love the wacky pigtails one and the one with the side do. Very unique and way cute! Lastly, Glitterati has some really nice new poses out for free - made for Breast Cancer Aware month! Definte some things to be checking out on your next shopping trip, eh?

Note: Please excuse the glow in the studio had lights on...and I'm lazy today XD

Set: CCC Roma - 320
Hair: >TRUTH< Estelle - barley - 250
Glasses: Gritty Kitty: Prehistoric Glasses [b] - 150
Skin: Mynerva - Little Belita 4 Teeth Black brows Blush - 600
Eyes: ~Mynerva~ SoulHeart Eyes - Peregian - 100
Poses: GLITTERATI - Breast Cancer Awareness 2010 -  Free

NOTE AGAIN! I will NOT be here the next 4 days! So consider this my last blog for awhile! I LUAH YOU ALL HAPPY SHOPPING LOTS OF LOVE XOXOXO - Nara

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Autumn is a second spring....

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."

isn't that a good quote for fall? Fall is beautiful - one of my favorite times of the year - and I am so happy it's just around the corner! Anyway haha enough fall rambling - Hi everyone! I hope everyone is doing well! I've still not gotten my 'MUST BLOG EVERYDAY' attitude back yet sadly - but I am hopeful I'll get my motivation soon! So today I went around and did some of that new fall season hunt - from the pictures I have seen it's way cute, as you can tell by the Tiny Bird gift - the hair is adorable, even though brown is not my usual color it's just so cute and perfect for fall! I went around looking for fallish clothing to go with the hair and had a pretty hard time...I used a former 50l Friday from Reek - cute though a bit big on me - I also found a cool store called Connors that had some awesome jeans - that come with long and capris!

Skin: Mynerva - Little Belita 4 Teeth Black brows Blush - 600

Cardigan: Reek - Papercut Cardigan - Cream - 50l Friday
Undershirt: Reek - Classic Tee - White - 75
Pant: *Connors* Hip-huggers Jesnes Brown for Ladies' - 280
Hair: Tiny Bird - Black Sheep Boy (1) - Rich Brown Seasons Hunt Gifty
Shoes: PornStar Hi-Tops MultiColor v2 - 600
Glasses: Gritty Kitty: Prehistoric Glasses [b] - 150
Eyes: ~Mynerva~ SoulHeart Eyes - Peregian - 100

Ahhhhh lots of love xoxoxoxo

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Greetings everyone! I hope everyone is well on this slow morning. Uh so I've slowed down on blogging and shopping a bit, as I am sure everyone has noticed. But that will end soon, as I promise that I'll be back to my normal weird self in no time and start blogging daily and NOT forgetting to blog ever. I'm sure everyone can see that there has been ALOT of drama around SL in the past month. But you know, once you hit bottom, there is no place left to go but up and I hope all of your lives get better and better! So anyway onward to the post! So we know the first day of October is coming up, and with the first day, comes more and more halloween stuff and fall looks! Oh how I love this season! I been trying to find some way cute clothes for fall in some adult stores - though I think I'm running out - IDEA'S people! Send me idea's! Nara loves idea's! Hehe but yeah - today I bring you a cute fall look. I adore the knit vest, and I'll be wearing it during winter to - it's another cute thing from yumyum (Oh how I love that store!) My undershirt has a kawaii little panda on it from a little store called Narwhal (Gotta love the name) It goes pretty well with the best - going for  a comfy yet warm look. My pants - look a bit weird on a child avatar sadly - but that doesn't stop them from being cute - they are yet another item from yumyum, and I thought they went pretty well with the top so I got them!

Skin: Mynerva - Little Belita 4 Teeth Black brows Blush - 600
Vest: **DP**yumyum:knit best (gray)
Undershirt: Narwhal - Panda Sweater - Grey
Pant: **DP**yumyum BF jeans-02 - 160
Hair: !lamb. Heart - Honeycomb - 300
Glasses: Gritty Kitty: Prehistoric Glasses [b] - 150
Eyes: ~Mynerva~ SoulHeart Eyes - Peregian - 100

I'm also blogging some new items sent out to the !JK Bloggers - two cute poses (Fireflies and Bubbles) and a little lunch box perfect for school! I suggest picking these up as soon as possible when they're available!

Hehe that's all for today - Happy shopping lots of love xoxoxoxo

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fall Looks

Hello everyone - I hope all is well with everyone. I'm only doing one look today as today has been an off day. I'm sorry! But yeah...oh sorry again to certain people! Er onward to the look! Today I bring you a new look from Larnia Kids - it was the 50l Friday item the other day, and it's super cute - one of my favorites from Larnia Kids. It's a definite fall look and the colors match well together. My hair actually I found last week when I was working on the Kawaii hunt - it's from Love Soul which I didn't know even had hair, but when I found it, I was like OH MY GOODNESS! Sooo cute!

Skin: Mynerva - Little Belita 4 Teeth Black brows Blush - 600
Set: ~* Larnia Kids *~nature - Last week's 50L Friday item
Hair: [ Love Soul ] Hair+Cap*045*Honey Blonde - 200
Glasses: Gritty Kitty: Prehistoric Glasses [b] - 150
Eyes: ~Mynerva~ SoulHeart Eyes - Peregian - 100

Ah sorry for the short post today but I will see you all tomorrow! Lots of love xoxoxo

Thursday, September 23, 2010

This and That

Hiya everyone! I do hope you all are having an amazing day! I'm rather tired, but actually really content! Our last day of class was this week for OSE - so sad but I do hope some I get to make some new friends when the classes start again with new students! I'm still going to be in Mr Gattz's class, and I've also decided to tryout for Cheer, to do along with Dance - making myself so busy! Anyway what I'm doing the last week, I put together a look...of laziness!'s what I do best ya'know It's also a bit fall like...because yesterday was...the first day of fall, YAY! Anywa... Hehe I also put together a punkish style - using one of the outfits I recently got from Babydolls, and teaming up with some cute punkish hair I found at a store called 99 Elephants - I heard of it through one of the blogs I read and decided to check it out - it's way unique but I think really good if you want that gothic sort of punk rock look.

(1st Look)
Hair: >TRUTH> Sabrina - barley - 250
Skin: Mynerva - Little Belita 4 Teeth Black brows Blush - 600

Hoodie: [SC] Surf Couture - Vintage Fall Fest Hoodie - Red - 175
Pants: [SC] Surf Couture - Yoga Pants - Black - 150
Shoes: PornStar Hi-Tops MultiColor v2 - 600
Glasses: Gritty Kitty: Prehistoric Glasses [b] - 150
Eyes: ~Mynerva~ SoulHeart Eyes - Peregian - 100
Ring: *LC* - My Wifey Ring (turquoise) - From Tess <3
Pose: IZUMIYA - Free

(2nd Look)
Hair: 99Hair -Krima -blonds - 279
Base: 99Hair -Shaved Tattoo LAYER -black - 150

Skin: Mynerva - Little Belita 4 Teeth Black brows Blush - 600
Set: (Shoes included) *BB* Izzy - 375 
Glasses: Gritty Kitty: Prehistoric Glasses [b] - 150
Eyes: ~Mynerva~ SoulHeart Eyes - Peregian - 100
Ring: *LC* - My Wifey Ring (turquoise) - From Tess <3
Pose: IZUMIYA - Free

Ahh that's it for today - wish me luck on my app to the Cosmic Scribblers, and I hope everyone has an amazing day! Lots of love xoxoxoxoxo

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Evening everyone! So today I'm gonna get right to the point. HALLOWEEN IS A MONTH AWAY BUT STILL CLOSE! I love love love love Halloween! It is my second favorite holiday! (Christmas - cannot wait to decorate!) I just love dressing up, and getting 55u495839 things of candy. So for the next month or so until Halloween, I decided to look for all kinds of SL costumes for us kids! Once a week I'll post a random costume! Tada! So this little fun thing starts today! I knew that Larnia Kids had some Halloween costumes, so I went to look after they set them out. I adore all the costumes there. One of the cutest I found was the Ladybug and the Bumblebee costume. I got the bumblebee one right off had fun taking pictures with it. I even wore the wings and antennae to school the other day...I'm sure the class as secretly making fun of me!

Hair: >TRUTH> Sabrina - barley - 250

Skin: Mynerva - Little Belita 4 Teeth Black brows Blush - 600
Costume: ~* Larnia Kids *~ Bee Costume - 150 (? I have bad memory)
Glasses: Gritty Kitty: Prehistoric Glasses [b] - 150
Flashlight: ~* Larnia Kids *~ orange and black jackolantern flashlight - 60
Eyes: ~Mynerva~ SoulHeart Eyes - Peregian - 100
Pose: Glitterati Twinnies - 100

So I hope everyone has an awesome month until halloween, make sure you all send me lots of candy hehe anyway lots of love xoxoxoox

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Boy in Me

Hello all! I hope everyone is doing OK! I'm doing much better, had a rough time for awhile, but I can sense it's slowly getting better! So I have news. Not to be confused with the Cosmic Scribbles (My blogger idols) but me and my friends have decided to start our own little blog together (Again please don't think we're copying!) But me, Sage, Jennah, Haku and Tess are gonna be working together on that for the next couple days, so look forward to that! Anyway today I bring you a interesting look not just from me, but my twin brother Haku! We went any of you familiar with the store can tell. I think it's quite cute for such a boyish look, but it works well...I love the hair from Fine Dash even though it was made for boys? Yeah totally works with me though! I love toying with different styles!

Hair:"FA"Soul Eater/long[Platinum Blond*] - 300
Skin: Mynerva - Little Belita 4 Teeth Black brows Blush - 600
Pants: :sey Soft Jeans[F] - 150
Shirt: :sey T & shirt=B of D= - 300
Glasses: Gritty Kitty: Prehistoric Glasses [b] - 150
Eyes: ~Mynerva~ SoulHeart Eyes - Peregian - 100
Shoes: PornStar Hi-Tops MultiColor v2 - 600
Pose: Glitterati Twinnies - 100

On Haku!

Hair: "FA"Soul Eater/long[Dark Silver*tex/size change]" - 300
Shape: New *Zanzo* ? shape (10 year old male elf ears mod) - 800
Skin: [-B-] Fierce :A: - Fair #o2 - 1000
Shirt: :sey T & shirt=G of D= - 300
Pants: :sey Carving leather pants*purple - 250
Shoes: PornStar Hi-Tops MultiColor v2 - 600
Gloves: TonkTastic - Fingerless Gloves; Style B (black; high res) - 100
Glasses: Gritty Kitty: Prehistoric Glasses [b] - 150
Ear: {=BK=} Elf Ears (Star) (Style 2) - (Not out yet)

Waah that's all for today but look forward to my new blog and tomorrows entry! <3>

Friday, September 17, 2010

Living Life

Hey everyone - I'm sorry, but I'm sort of back now! I've had...well a horrible week to say the least, but I'm slowly slowly getting better. I been setting up the new land with my Daddy, twin and new sister, Tess, and it's been so much fun. I'll say I miss our old land and my sissy, Aimee and my...Momma...Bri...but I guess I just have to keep going forward and hope for the best in the future yes? Anyway, hehe I been playing around with poses lately, and well it's nothing short of hilarious. I sadly, do not have any cool new clothes or styles - because I have been buying like crazy stuff for our new land, and other random stuff...basically anything that is NOT clothing!
I'm sorry, but as I mentioned...I'm making up for it in funny pictures of various poses! I got the poses from Small Poses - past group gifts, hunt gifts and just ones I bought...the painting I gots from past 50l friday gift at gigglebox and yeah...that's it XD

Me and Daddy - WEEE!
Ooops :3 My brother leaves food around!
Godsissy is piercing my ear! *cringes*
Daddy caught us...but we was only painting a pretty picture for him...
Godsissy is a evil twilight fan...I told her I don't like it and...see.

Ahhh random! I love random! I guess that's all for today but please enjoy and I will see you all when I officially come back on Monday! Lots of love xoxoxo

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lazy Days

Afternoon readers and such. I don't have much today, I really don't feel like blogging much actually or even being on SL. I been off and on happy since last night - but overall it's just really sad when people close to you are hurting, and you can't seem to help. I've not changed my outfit since yesterday afternoon, I had worn it as a lazy day thing, and just never bothered to change. I got the pants from SEY, they're very nicely made, and look really comfy...I'm pretty jealous I don't have them in real life. The shirt I blogged last week to (I'm sorry...I hadn't even planned on bloggin but it's a super cute shirt form There are many other shirts there to with different colors and movies on them. The hair of course, my favorite hair that I wear everyday, is the one I got from lamb. I think it's gonna be in many posts to come.

Hair: !lamb. Heart - Honeycomb - 300 - Hair Fair
Skin: Mynerva - Little Belita 4 Teeth Black brows Blush - 600
Pants: :sey Soft Jeans[F] - 150
Shirt: fri. - Film.Crew (Seven Samurai) - 90
Choker: *BB* Lola (Choker) - 375
Glasses: Gritty Kitty: Prehistoric Glasses [b] - 150
Eyes: ~Mynerva~ SoulHeart Eyes - Peregian - 100
Shoes: PornStar Hi-Tops MultiColor v2 - 600
Pose: Amacci


Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Pretty Princess and the Playhouse Blues

Afternoon everyone! Hope everyone is having a GREAT DAY! Today I have a short and sweet blog post to bring you. I'm blogging the 50l Friday thing from JustKidding! I got it in the blogging group, and meant to blog it yesterday, but had decided on an epic hair post instead! So this is a SUPER cute thing, I really do love this store. It comes fully decorated with everything you could need for a little playhouse! I especially love the swingset connected to the playhouse, and the little panda bear inside is so cute! I asked my hopefully soon to be sissy, Tess (YAY!) and my twin brother Haku to pose with me, and we were later joined by Vivi! Below is some images of the cute playhouse and everything it comes with (Sort of!) Also blogged today, sis an outfit I got from my friend Aussie. She insisted I got it, so we would match! It's a nice little dress, with a ballerina tpye feel to it, perfect for a little princess! I got the crown from Pink Fuel, one of the most adorable stores ever, and added a wand I picked up at that kids carnival last month! Tada, the princess is here! *giggles*

The adorable exterior!
Tess, Me Vivi and Haku swinging on the swingset attached!
The cute little couch on the inside (Not shown is the mattress, shelf, rug, pillows and stuffed animals)

Hair: >TRUTH> Aloha - barley - 500 for Fatpack at Project Donate
Skin: Mynerva - Little Belita 4 Teeth Black brows Blush - 600
Dress: {SMS} Neon Babydoll Black - 200 (?)
Crown: [PF] Cutie Crown - 175
Choker: *BB* Lola (Choker) - 375
Wand: ::KeWt KiDs:: Magical Wand - 50 (Carnival Item)
Glasses: Gritty Kitty: Prehistoric Glasses [b] - 150
Eyes: ~Mynerva~ SoulHeart Eyes - Peregian - 100
Shoes: J's flip-flap & Barefoot(White) - 375 (Shoe Fair Item)
Pose: GLITTERATI - Long Hair 2 - 250 (Project Donate)

Oke so that is it for today, I can't wait to blog tomorrow, but until then, have a great night! XOXOXOXOX

Friday, September 10, 2010

The World if your Palatte

Weeeeeee - Greetings readers and bloggers and what not! I'm here today to bring you a wonderdul post chock full of goodness! To make up from the lack of blogging in the past couple days, this post will consists of looks at all hair I own (besides freebies) and some two new outfits I have composed! I hope everyone can forgive me, and continue reading my blog, even though I fail sometimes! So anyway...I have a good amount of hair for my short time on this avatar. Alot I've picked up in just the past week or so (Curse that HAIR FAIR!) Heck even a few are weird and stuff...I have one hair from the Crazy Arse hair hunt 2, from MIASNOW...I have no comment about it at this time! Er also, excuse any mistakes I've made...I'm like...I have bad allergies or something but I feel horrible at the moment...but I forced myself to blog, because I know some people like to read it at least! Which makes me really happy by the way! But I really do hope this makes up for all the times I forgot!

1. !lamb. Glass Candy - Honeycomb (HairFair300)
2. !lamb. Heart - Honeycomb (HairFair300)
3. *barberyumyum*16/brown (175)
4. SiniStyle Tank'D Hair - flux (F) (200)
5. *An-visor*[Honey Blonde]* (SEY250)
1. fri. - Tatum - Cynical Black - 250
2. Maitreya Sasha - Ash Blond - 250
3. Maitreya Apple - Ash Blond - 250
4. [SC Hair] Del Mar - Toasted Coconut - (HairFair175 )
5. fri. - Tatum.2 - Delighted Blond - 250

1. >TRUTH> Peta - barley - 250
2. >TRUTH> Roxana - barley - 250
3. >TRUTH> Melinda - barley - 250
4. fri. - Nicole.2 - Delighted Blond - 250
5. fri. - Sasha - Delighted Blond - (HairFair250)
1. >TRUTH> Georgia - barley - 250
2. >TRUTH> Aloha - barley - (ProjectDonate-Fatpack500)
3. >TRUTH> Drew - barley - 250
4. >TRUTH> Lauren - barley - 250
5. >TRUTH> Tahlia 2 - barley - 250
1. Magika - Moon (Brown: Chocolate) - Friday the 13th Gift
2. Magika - Lust (Red: Merlot) - Friday the 13th Gift
3. DUBOO*Winter hat azuki [choco] - 125
4. AOHARU_HAIR_Nina03c(Cinnamon) - (HairFair250)
5. MIASNOW Hair - PARTRIDGE in a Hair Tree - Pink (Crazy Arse Hair Hunt 2)

Hair: >TRUTH> Georgia - barley - 250
Skin: Mynerva - Little Belita 4 Teeth Black brows Blush - 600
Top: sweat cardigan:black - 150 (?)
Skirt: *BB* Annalyssa in Filigree - (Skirt) - 350
Cardigan: [ATOMIC] Cozy Cardi - Pitch - 175 (?)
Leggings: *BB* Annalyssa in Filigree - (Leggings) - 350
Socks: [ATOMIC] Happy Harajuku Socks - 100
Headbands: duboo.summer headband [Forests & Sands] - 35
Glasses: Gritty Kitty: Prehistoric Glasses [b] - 150
Eyes: ~Mynerva~ SoulHeart Eyes - Peregian - 100
Shoes: PornStar Hi-Tops MultiColor v2 (Boxed) - 600
Pose: GLITTERATI - Long Hair 2 - 250 (Project Donate)

Waaaaaaaaaaaaah I hope you all enjoyed this post, I know I had fun putting it together and shopping for it all whenever I did! I hope to start back on my regular blogging soon though but until then, lots of love xoxoxoxoxo

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Adventure Time!

Hiya all! Well today I'm (I'm Sorry!) not blogging CLOTHES, but I'm taking my friends, Sage's idea of exploring SL and taking pictures! I decided it'd be nice! I'm having fun so far, but I'm only halfway done! I've been dragging my brother along, Haku and together we're exploring all of SL!

First stop was D-LAB - on the ground there is an adorable town set up, with these cute little groceries stores, ice creams shops, cafes and even a milk store!
Sky view of the village!

Me and Haku at xD
look a dog! x_x
iunno what flavor?!
Second stop was this amazingly beautiful yet sad looking sim - it looked alone (in a good way) and just perfect for melancholy photos. I dragged my brother around once again, and took some nice pictures with him! Train to adventure!
Pretty view!
water cascade!
in a field...
wide shot

Hrmmm what a fail post o.o but I promise to make it up to you with TWO outfits tomorrow! WOO! Until then, I hope everyone has a good evening, lots of love xoxoxox

Monday, September 6, 2010

Peace Out

Ahhh...well I knew this would happen when school started...extreme...extreme...fatigue x.x.
I'm so low on energy right now, I'm about to pass out! is today's post! Not much to say, but...HAIR FAIR IS AMAZING! Now if only I could move, I could see more hairs...but I went to ones I knew first...I got like...5 hairs? Yeah...I love LAMB, I had never been there before, and my friend was like GO, so I did, and ahh wow, I fell in love with all the hair they had there! It's a bit pricey, but worth it in my opinion. My outfit today, is not a unqiue blend, because I couldn't decide what jeans to I just wore my new dress from Babydolls! I adore it, one of the few over girlie things I will wear! I also went to the project donate thing today and bought some stuff to support the cause! I got the truth hair (like I needed more hair) and the glitterati poses, which may I add, are way cute! I hope to go back there soon and look around!

Hair: !lamb. Heart - Honeycomb - 300 @ Hair Fair 2010
Skin: Mynerva - Little Belita 4 Teeth Black brows Blush - 600
Dress: *BB* Lola - 300 (Shoes + Necklace included!!)
Glasses: Gritty Kitty: Prehistoric Glasses [b] - 150
Eyes: ~Mynerva~ SoulHeart Eyes - Peregian - 100
Pose: GLITTERATI - Long Hair 2 - 250 @ Project Donate

So I have a favor to ask of any of my readers! I really would like to know your favorite stores to shop at! I wanna put together some really unique, cute and kid friendly looks together in the future, and I am willing to explore SL for stores! Send in your ideas on comments, plurk or inworld! Lots of love xoxoxox