Monday, July 19, 2010

Boho Love

Oh my god so much stuff so so much stuff happening! But thats for another time! For now I am blogging a new adorable look! I was dragged around and spoiled by my friends all day...I love my avie so much these days! I had fun but I will admit I got bored of shopping after awhile...*gasp* those words just came out of my mouth! ikr shocking! Meh but I really need to thank my always adorable and loving forever sister, Alannah Farspire for really helping me out and getting me looking hawt ;)

ONWARD TO THE POST! I got new elf ears, new hair, and I got my tiny tots hud again! Yay! I'm rambling because I'm tired sokay :3 OH! *points down* ain't I cute ;)

Hair: fri. - Tatum.2 - Paranoid Black
Skin: :GP: Cupid [Light] 1k
Dress: *BB* Lola (Without understuff and shoes)
Shoes: *BB* Charlotte (Shoes Only)
Ears: :GAUGED: Elven Stretched Ears [Sanrio]
Glasses: Gritty Kitty: Prehistoric Glasses [b] - 150
Pose: Glitterati!

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